Johnson Turning

My passion is woodturning.

I started woodturning in my grandfathers shop years ago. He was a carpenter and there was always a distinct smell of sawdust in the shop. To this day I still enjoy turning on the lathe and turning a handmade item from a square block of timber.

Woodturning is branch of woodworking that involves using a lathe to spin a piece of wood and make an item. Unlike most of the other aspects of woodworking, in woodturning, the tool stays in one place and the wood moves.

I have honed my skills as a woodturner tremendously since those days in my grandfathers shop. Today I pursue the craft with the goal of every item being handed to the next generation. A salad bowl can last generations if the proper care is maintained. Rolling pins can be passed from mother to daughter.

I am a member of the American Association of woodturners and the Current president of the Southern Maine Woodturners. I am happy to demonstrate for your club on a range of techniques or elaborating on the basics. Teaching new turners is what I am most passionate about.

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