Current 2024 Guild Level Members, Register for Shows

New in 2024! Guild Fine Craft Show: Mount Desert Island opens application to greater New England

Application Dates: February 16 – March 31, 2024
Application Fee: MCA Members $30 | Non-members $35

Applicants will need to provide:
Five quality images representing the work that will be exhibited.
One booth shot image.
An artist statement including information about the artist’s career, technical skill used to create the submitted artwork, or any information the applicant would like the jury to know.

Prospective Guild Level Members: How to Apply for Membership

The information below can help you prepare your materials to complete the application. Please read the following three documents to help you determine if you are eligible (standards) for the membership & shows, assess your preparedness (self assessment) and learn exactly how you will be scored by the jury (rubric).

Accepted categories: basketry, ceramics, encaustics, fiber (wearable), fiber (decorative), furniture, glass, jewelry, leather, letterpress, metal, mixed media, paper, *printmaking, stone and wood.
*Handmade prints made using traditional analog techniques only. No digital or reproduction prints are accepted.

Applicant Resources – Please Read Before Applying

Ready? Three steps: Apply, Join, Register for Shows!

Once you have determined you are eligible to apply for Guild Level Membership (using the resources above), please follow the steps listed below to get started:

STEP 1: Apply for MCA Guild Level Membership.

STEP 2: Once accepted through the application process, Join as an MCA Guild Level Member.

STEP 3: Register for Guild Fine Craft Shows: Show registration is currently OPEN for current 2024 MCA Guild Level Members.


The MCA Guild Level Membership is the MCA’s only juried membership. This membership level is designed to attract and bring together professional craft artists who want to exhibit in the Guild Fine Craft Shows with other professional craft artists offering one of a kind, handmade work. The intent of the shows is to nurture a market place where the public can see, collect and learn about the highest quality handmade craft objects made by Maine’s most dedicated, talented and trained craft artists who have mastered their tools, techniques and vision to create one-of-a-kind fine objects for everyday use and special occasions.

Who Should Apply: Maine craft artists who are interested in, and qualify for, the Guild Fine Craft Shows.

Please Note: All MCA Maine Craft Artist Award Recipients have automatic access to this level and do not need to apply or re-jury.

Before you Apply:
To assess the likelihood of a successful application, please review. (Same links as above).

  1. SELF ASSESSMENT TOOL: determine if this level membership is right for and of interest to you.
  2. GUILD STANDARDS: comprehend the standards expected for Guild Level Membership.
  3. JURY RUBRIC: understand the jury criteria for acceptance to this membership level.

While the MCA supports craft artists with various types of products and techniques, this membership level and the associated shows are exclusively for fine, high-end, one-of-kind work that many artists make, and is best highlighted with other similar level work.

Please Note: The reason to join the MCA at the Guild Level Membership is because you want to exhibit in the Guild Fine Craft Shows. The one-time jury process gives you ongoing access to exhibiting in the shows. If you are not interested in the shows, this membership does not offer any other benefits than those offered by the MCA Professional Level Membership.

More Information

Application Specifics:
The application asks for contact information, links, narrative Q&A and image uploads.

Deadline: Rolling
Applications must be received 60 days prior to desired Guild Fine Craft Show date to provide the best opportunity for successful applicants to register for available space in that show (space permitting). For example, to qualify for space in a show beginning July 15th your application must be received by May 15th.

Jury Review & Results:
The jury will review your application and accept or reject the application based on the jury standards rubric. If requested by the jury your application may be accepted pending a Booth Jury: an in-person review of craft work and display presentation. In this case, you may register for a show(s) and the jury will conduct a final review of your work and your display at your first Guild Fine Craft Show and will provide a final accept or reject response after the show.

Craft artists with PENDING acceptance may delay MCA Guild Level membership payment / upgrade until they receive a final result.

Jury Fees & Related Fees:

$0 Jury fee for current MCA Professional or Emerging members

$25 Jury fee for current MCA Basic members

$35 Jury fee for non-members

$175 Annual membership ($225 for Guild Partners membership) (due prior to registering for a show, unless pending booth jury)

$300-600 Show booth fees per show

Guild Fine Craft Shows Cancellation / Refund Policy:
90 days or more prior to first day of public event: Full refund less $25
31-89 days prior to first day of public event: 50% refund
30 or less days prior to first day of public event: No refunds

Tax + Insurance Information

Maine State Sales Tax ID
Pre-show: If you are not already collecting ME state sales tax, REGISTER your Business
During show: charge 5.5% on all your sales
Post-show: File / Pay sales Tax
For more info at
Maine Revenue Services Contact Info:
(207) 624-9693 or email

Liability & Insurance
Exhibitors display all work at their own risk and should carry appropriate insurance. Exhibitors are urged to carry ALL-RISK INSURANCE to protect against damage, loss, and all other hazards, from the time the materials leave their place of origin until they are returned after the show. Riders can usually be added to existing policies to get the needed coverage.

FAQs related to possible jury and membership scenarios:

Q: I’m a past juried MCG Member but let it lapse, do I need to go through the MCA jury to become an MCA Guild Level Member?

A: Yes, only members who were current in 2018 or 2019 have automatic access to the Guild Level Membership.

Q: I was a current MCG member in 2018 or 2019, but have not joined the MCA Guild Level Membership yet – am I still eligible for Guild shows?

A: Yes, but there is a THREE YEAR grace period, and after that time passes you will need to re-jury. If you were a Guild member in 2018, but haven’t joined the MCA Guild Level Membership in 2019, 2020, or 2021, you could still join and participate in Guild shows in 2022, but if not, you would need to re-jury in 2023.
-In 2023 we will allow anyone who was a member since 2019
-In 2024 we will allow anyone who was a member since 2020

Q. I’m an MCA member and will go through the jury in 2022, at what level membership should I join right now?

A. Renew at the Professional Level now and if/when you are accepted to the Guild Level we will invoice you for the membership upgrade

Q. I’m not a member of the MCA or MCG but want to do the shows, how much do I need to pay and when?

A. You have two choices:

Become an MCA Professional Member now ($100), then, sign up for a jury at no cost and then pay an upgrade fee ($50) for the Guild Level if/when you are accepted
Apply for the jury, pay the fee ($35), join at the Guild Level ($150) if/when you are accepted

PARTNERS: There is a “Partner” version of the MCA Guild Level Membership and the Professional Level Membership, these FAQs apply to both:

Q: My partner makes one thing and I make another; can we join together at the Partner level?

A: No, each person, with their own studio practice / business / booth / etc. needs their own membership.

Q: My partner and I own and operate our craft business which offers one line of work that we make, promote, sell and display together, can we join together at the Partner level?

A. Yes

Opportunities for League of New Hampshire Craftsmen Members

MCA Guild Level Membership

Members of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen who live in a town that is within ten miles of the Maine state line may apply to join the MCA at the Guild Level. If they are accepted they may register and participate in any Guild Fine Craft Show with the same access and rules as any MCA Guild Level Member.

New Hampshire based MCA Guild Level Members receive all the same MCA Professional level benefits unless there is a specific disqualifier for non-residents on a specific opportunity (such as Maine Craft Weekend: residents only).

Guild Fine Craft Shows

New Hampshire based members at the MCA Guild Level have access to the Guild Fine Craft Shows equal to that of Maine based MCA Guild Level members. Other juried members of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen may also exhibit in the Guild Fine Craft Shows.

  • Only artists making in the media represented by the Shows may exhibit (For example, Guild Level Fine Craft Shows do not include photography, fine foods, other 2D fine art media)
  • League members who are not MCA Guild Level members will pay an additional $50 for each show
  • League members who are not MCA Guild Level members may be offered booths in the show after spaces have been offered to MCA Guild Level members
  • There is not a jury to exhibit, however there are some restrictions and your request to exhibit will need to be approved – please be prepared to supply images or links to images of your work and your booth display.
  • LNHC members may submit their request to exhibit through a form on the MCA site set up for this purpose and be notified by show staff as early as possible.
Contact Us

Have a question? Send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


Brunswick Guild Fine Craft Show, October 26 & 27 , 2025