Blue Moon Clay Carvers
On View: Nov 2 – Dec 31, 2021
Maine Crafts Association presents paintings and sculpture by Blue Moon Clay Carvers at the Center for Maine Craft.

Roger Bisaillon Artist Statement
Fabricating art has been an integral part of my daily life. With a compulsion to constantly create, clay has been a natural avenue to release my aesthetic energy. Each piece of work must be a unique endeavor, for art in my mind is infinite. Painting is the impetus for my creative ventures. These paintings inspire my dimensional clay pieces.
My process of making art is always reflective of my life. Working daily in my rural Maine studio, color and textural surface are paramount in my product. Hand building in terra cotta earthenware clay, I utilize all building techniques (coil, pinch, slab, extrusion, throwing, pinching, stamping) to fabricate low fire sculpture and pottery. My college ceramics experience was centered on making “perfect” thrown or pinched forms. I have rejected this education. The clay I now create is thick, deeply carved nonsymmetrical and textural, inviting the viewer to touch and engage with the piece. With a background in art history, the motifs I use are varied- influenced by art deco and nouveau traditions with floral, animal, architecture and the figure.
After 36 years of teaching high school art, I have moved onto the next art phase of my life. I have a private gallery that is open for customers who schedule an appointment. I currently do commission work, from house portraits to one of a kind sculpture for private homes and businesses. I am actively showing in galleries and highly juried venues. I am grateful for the loyal clientele I have established after 32 years of shows and gallery exhibitions. I will always see the world through the eyes of an artist.