Amalia Moon
An avid reader, I came into metalsmithing through browsing in a bookstore. I curiously was thumbing through the craft section and found a book on jewelry making. I had no idea, that it was possible to create such interesting and beautiful objects with some tools and my own hands. I signed up for a weekend course and learned the basics (fell in love with the process)……which then snowballed into lots of tools and classes. Originally from sunny California, I moved to the chilly East Coast to finish my degree in Metalsmithing. After completing my degree I decided to stay in Portland Maine, trading in the Pacific ocean for the Atlantic.
I’ve worked in studio jewelry production for award winning designers and studied with 3rd generation goldsmiths for a number of years and finally decided to venture out on my own. I believe that wearing jewelry is personal, intimate and tactile. When jewelry is worn, it travels through the adventures and lives of others, changing and evolving with their experiences. I lovingly handcrafted these objects to connect and evolve with others