David Smus
Growing up around the woods and waters of rural Maine, David’s life-long love of art and the outdoors has merged with his expert knowledge of animal anatomy and life history. His fascination with preserving nature’s beauty in an artistic format was fostered during his early years as a licensed taxidermist. Earning a degree in Wildlife Management from the University of Maine, he later surrendered to his heart and chose art as his true vocation. Beginning as a self-taught wood carver, he has long since worked with many well-known sculptors. Lost-wax bronze is now his primary medium of choice.
Creating limited editions and commissioned works, David has participated in prestigious juried shows such as the Salmagundi Club in NYC and the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition in Charleston, SC. His work was used to dedicate the Charles Hathaway Nicholson Park in Boston and has been on exhibit at the Wendell Gilley Museum in Southwest Harbor. He has lectured at the Portland Museum of Art and has won numerous 1st Place and Best of Show awards in competitions including the Maine Outdoor Art Show.
David communicates with the viewer using exquisite form, composition and anatomy as a language that captures the bond between animal and man. Noted for evoking a sense that the spirit of the subject is residing in the medium, his bronzes have been collected by individuals and businesses far and wide. Raising funds with sculpture for a variety of causes, from charitable institutions to conservation organizations, is a rewarding aspect of being an artist for David. “It’s a way to give back and come full-circle in my original commitment to help wildlife and the environment with my life.”
Being in the company of David Smus’ sculpture will arouse emotions, awaken special memories and elicit shared values as you experience the work, thereby completing the process that he began.